The video that I have decided to post is called "Harty Boys" It was made by the comedy team of The video is a spoof of the novel series, "Hardy Boys". In the novels, two brothers spend their days solving wild mysteries and going through extravagant measures to find the lost artifact or hidden treasure. The video first presents a small introduction explaining the similarity but still legal differences between the Harty Boys and the Hardy Boys. Then we as the audience are presented with Frank and Joe Harty trying to solve the riddle of the woman. They are diligently searching for clues in a Sherlock Holmes manner when they finally find a footprint which leads them to the woman standing 10ft away. This movie has obviously established itself as a comedy by now with the Hardy Boys spoof and now the riddle of the woman. The whole main focus to the comedy of the video is the fact that no man has ever solved a woman. The Harty Boys try to solve her but her trickery and entrapment style questioning seems to much for the Boys, especially Frank Harty who is completely engulfed in his own frustration over woman and "tragically" ends his life.
The video was edited very well and really keeps the viewer interested. Right from the beginning, the video is loaded with graphics and even a theme song. When the video starts a narrator makes the viewer believe they are watching a TV episode. I think this subconsciously draws the viewer in more because now there is a slight connection between the video and the TV. Throughout the whole video there is background audio effect to help amplify particular moments. The camera style also keeps the viewer intrigued because there is a variety of angles and perspective shots. The ending is a big comedic crowd pleaser because when Frank Harty takes his fateful jump he clearly is edited into a dummy with a balloon head. So the reason I posted this video is because it is just really funny.