The following video was taken from youtube and is entitled, "Yes We Can Barack Obama Music Video". The video is a strong collaboration of music and speech. The base of the video is a famous speech of Presidential Candidate Barack Obama which has been since titled the "yes we can" speech. The video features numerous celebrities from all industries supporting Obama and restating the hopeful words of his speech. There are musician like: Will I Am, Nick Cannon, Common, and others who sing the words of change. There are actors and sports icons like: Scarlet Johansson and Kareem Abdul Jabbar that speak and reiterate the power of hope. All the while, the powerful voice of a hopeful leader can be heard as Barack Obama shouts to the world, "Yes We Can". The video is very powerful and calls out to all Americans. The Video is political and these celebrities are giving their support to Barack Obama but it is not just a video for Democrats. Barack Obama is telling the world that this notion of hope and change isn't something new. Throughout the history of our country, Americans have always believed in themselves and it is now time to believe again. The power of the people calling out and entrusting there hope in one man is daring and risky. When asked if we can trust this one visionary to save our nation, I will reply, "Yes We Can".