Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Presidential Debate "Healthcare"

The following video is from the third and final presidential debates of the 2008 candidacy.  The debate is between republican candidate John McCain and democratic candidate Barack Obama.  The question addressed in the video asks how each candidate feels about the current health care plan and problems that America faces today.  Each candidate answers the question by rhetorically explaining their own health care plan for the nation under their presidency.  The presidential candidates have obviously been trained in rhetoric and they both display the styles of pathos, logos, and ethos in their answers.
Senator Obama is first to answer the question. He wastes no time by quickly outlining his own personal plan for the health care crisis.  He seems to first draw his audience in by using pathos and describing a "heart-breaking" story of two 50 year old women who had recently lost their job and health insurance.  This was a great move for Senator Obama because it creates that connection between him and his audience.  He is showing the world how he has seen their suffering.  He then goes on to explain his plan to logically (logos) solve the situation.  Senator Obama dismisses some criticism of his plan by explaining right up front that it would be expensive but that it would pay for itself in the long run.  I believe Senator Obama explains his plan in this manner to show that he is prepared right now to start making the necessary changes to the current system.
Senator McCain is next up to bat.  He follows a similar rhetorical strategy as Senator Obama by first using pathos to bring the audience in emotionally. Senator McCain even uses some logos by adding factual numbers and data to his opening statements to show how bad the current health care crisis is: "It is a terribly painful situation for Americans...47 million Americans are without health insurance".  Senator McCain then goes on to explain his plan using both ethos and logos.  He covers a broad range of things that need to be addressed like childhood obesity, high premium rates, and uninsured Americans.  He then goes on to specifically explain his plan of giving everyone a 5,000 dollar insurance credit.  I believe that Senator McCain explained his plan in this manner to make it appear larger that it is by covering the issues broadly and then narrowing down to specifics.  Senator McCain frequently uses the word American which bring the audience in on all levels.
The whole debate event could be described as a huge success because it allows America the chance to see two presidential candidates describe and argue over their plans and views.  The only problem with the debate is that it is extremely controlled and scripted.  The two candidates are fully aware of the type of questions they will be asked and have teams of people creating the perfect answers.  But all in all, I have faith in the debate system because it allows all who watch it the chance to become more informed voters.
-Jeremy B