Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Cubing Exercise

1. Generalizing: consider what you have learned from the event or experience that will be the occasion for your reflections. What ideas does it suggest to you? What does it suggest about people in general or about the society in which you live?
People of all ages come to swim. I don't know what drive people to do this but I want to know. Perhaps, the people come for fitness and health reasons.  We live in a society that demands perfection and calls for a return to youth.  Maybe by swimming these people can reclaim something that time has taken away.
2. Giving examples: illustrate your ideas with specific examples. What examples would best help your readers understand your ideas?
Shirley is a 93 year old woman who came and swam laps.  There was a water aerobic class full of older women.  The pool and the water seemed to wake me up.
3. Comparing & contrasting: think of a subject that could be compared with yours & explore the similarities & the differences.
The subject of working out in a weight room could be compared to swimming in a pool.  They both are for fitness and health but I think there is something that water gives the body that lifting weights does not.
4. Extending: take your subject to its logical limits & speculate about its implications. Where does it lead?
People come to a pool to swim.  Swimming uses all the muscles in the body which in turn creates a great fitness exercise.  So people come to swim for fitness which makes their bodies healthier and the more healthy one is the greater life span they should have.
5. Analyzing: take apart your subject. What is it made of? How are the parts related to one another? Are they all of equal importance?
My subject is the pool and the swimmers that use it.  The pool exists only because it is used by the swimmers.  Without the swimmers the pool would lack a purpose.  On the other hand, the swimmers depend on the pool to be able to swim.  Each part is dependant on one another so they are equally important.
6. Applying: think about your subject in practical terms. How can you use it or act on it? What difference would it make to you & to others?
You use the pool to swim in.  Each person experiences the pool in a different way and but ultimately the results seem to be similar.

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